Use Discover Tool

Discover is a tool which allows students to self-enroll in Community Groups in D2L. Any Student can freely enroll or unenroll themselves from any Community Group in the Discover tool without needing to be added or approved by the owner of the Community Group.

Use the Discover Tool to Enroll in Courses

  1. On the D2L Homepage, from the Navbar → [Collaboration] [Discover].

    NOTE: When attempting to access Discover, please make sure you are NOT within a course. You must be on the D2L Homepage, the same page where you can see your Course List.

    Identifies Collaboration and Discover buttons

  2. A list of courses that are available for self-enrollment will appear. Click on the course you would like to enroll in. You can also use the [Search] bar to search for a specific course.

    Identifies possible course to click on

  3. You will see the tile of the course and information about the start and end dates. Click [Enroll in Course] below the title to Enroll.

  4. You will see a pop-up message confirming that you have enrolled. Click [OK].

    Identifies OK button

  5. Click on [Open Course] to enter the course you've just enrolled in.

    Identifies Open Course button

Use the Discover Tool to Un-enroll in Courses

  1. On the D2L Homepage, from the Navbar → [Collaboration] [Discover].

    Identifies Collaboration and Discover buttons

  2. On the Discover page, click [Browse all Content].

  3. Click [Sort], and then select [Already Enrolled].

  4. Choose the Discover course you wish to un-enroll in.

  5. Click the [...] button, then click [Unenroll].

  6. You will receive a confirmation message that your unenrollment is complete.

NOTE: You can re-enroll in any Discover course you un-enroll from.